How to build resilience in pampered students
By Leisa Simapili
Sharing Good Practice
It is no secret that students in the Middle East region often enjoy a very privileged lifestyle . This is not true for all students , but as educators , especially if we teach in one of the major cities , we can identify one or maybe a dozen students who seem to have life fairly easy .
How do we then begin to help these students and indeed all our students to become resilient learners ?
“ Resilience is being able to bounce back from setbacks and to keep going in the face of tough demands and difficult circumstances , including the enduring strength that builds from coping well with challenging or stressful events ”. Process + Outcome + Individual Characteristics Cooper , Flint‐Taylor & Pearn ( 2013 )
We have all had that student who gave up at the first sign of difficulty , complained to their parents that we are making the work too difficult for them to understand . Perhaps you have had the student who seemed to be extremely devastated after failing an exam , that it seemed like the world was coming to an end ?
How do we help these students to pick themselves up and start again ? Let me suggest before we proceed , that involving another adult especially a parent in the first instance is not the way to go . Below are four ways that educators can consider when trying to build resilience in students .
1 . Help students to build strong self belief and confidence .
The more success we gain , the more confident we feel . Break classroom and even homework activities down into manageable steps . Reward students for success at every step . The more success they experience , the more willing they will become to try harder . If you want them to build a rocket , start with awarding them points from the brainstorming stage all the way to completion and launch . It makes it more difficult for them to just have someone else do the work on their behalf .
2 . Clearly explain ‘ next steps ’ in case of failure .
We often fear the unknown as adults and so do our students . Give your students as much information as possible about what to do next . Let them know the possible things that can happen in case they fail . They are more likely to mope less and try one of the options given or even use the options as springboards to find their own solutions to the problems . Remember , if students are used to having someone else do everything for them , they may have difficulty following instructions , so be as explicit as possible .
3 . Empower students to help each other .
Students often feel much better confiding in their peers when they are having difficulties . Develop systems in your classes that allow students to talk to each other before the matter is raised to the teacher . This helps you as well , to deal with only the problems that are really too hard for them to solve . Assign them a peer expert , buddy , or mentor . Make sure there is always someone for your students to go to and it does not have to always be you .
4 . Ensure that students know the goals and purpose of all classroom tasks and activities .
When students know why they are doing something , they will be better able to react appropriately in the face of hardship or even failure . In explaining the objectives to the students , also let them know when and where they might meet this topic again . Knowing you have a second chance to learn something takes some of the pressure off and also makes them more likely to stick it out . Let them know that failure is not final .
Class Time
| | Nov - Dec 2016 |