Meet Our Writer
Meet Our Writer Aaron Crotty
the numbers is of utmost
importance, when it comes to
balancing the books, many of
us would prefer to do anything else but
spend time on our finances.
Not so for Aaron Crotty.
The financially savvy 30-year-old fell
in love with numbers at an early age.
He cherished that love affair and built
it into a career that took him from
the financial Mecca of London to the
booming financial sector of Dubai.
Aaron grew up in Liverpool in the
UK. After studying higher-level
Mathematics, he nabbed an internship
at Natwest Bank. He enjoyed five years
there during which he drew much
inspiration from helping others to plan
and achieve their financial goals.
London offered Aaron a vibrant and
nurturing career, yet he made the
decision to delve into expatriate living
as an offshore financial consultant in
Like most expats, he was lulled by
the idea of tax-free earnings and
year round sunshine. Added to this,
he found the prospect of working
with people in more diverse areas of
financial planning exciting.
He is in his 4th year working in Dubai.
His job offers him fruitful opportunities
to work with expatriates from all
industries with different backgrounds.
Aaron is an experienced financial
consultant, financial writer and a firm
believer in his craft. He takes pleasure
in nurturing the wonderful contacts
that he has made over the years.
How has being a financial
planner helped you?
Being a part of the finance sector
allows you to work with people who are
all at different stages of their ‘financial
cycle’. Whether it is a school child
opening his first bank account, a young
couple taking out their first mortgage
or even an elderly couple making their
last mortgage payment. Growing up,
I was very reserved around people.
However, when you meet with different
people every day who benefit from the
advice you give, it instantly brings out
a confidence you may never thought
existed. I quickly developed an ability
to communicate well with people of all
Your Teach UAE Magazine
articles provide educators with
many useful and smart ideas.
Why are these things crucial to
As expatriates, the majority of us come
Aaron Crotty, Senior
Financial Planner.
42 | Mar - Apr 2016 |
After The Bell
from a very secure and structured
financial system were financial benefits
are provided as common law. Here in
the UAE, unfortunately this is not the
case. We have to ensure we replicate
the same important factors. This isn’t
just crucial for teachers; it is crucial for
all of us.
What are three common
mistakes that most expats
make when it comes to
finances here in the UAE?
The biggest mistake expats tend to
make is lack of planning. Planning
is the key to all areas of finance and
achieving financial goals. People can
make mistakes. Whether it is acquiring
debt, spending too much or delaying
important financial decisions. It all
comes back to a lack of planning. I
cannot stress enough the importance
of planning.
Do you have any advice for expats who
may be facing financial problems but
are afraid to tackle them?
I find that the people who are in need
of help the most are the ones who are
afraid to ask for it. Maybe this is pride?
Or maybe they are scared of learning
something else that could add to the
stress of not having their finances in
My advice is to ask for help. Each
person has their own skillset, which
others can benefit from. Parents put
their trust in teachers to educate their
children as they are qualified to do so.
It is the same in my sector. Sometimes
people have a perception of their
financial affairs that are not always as
accurate as they seem, whether this is
positive or negative.
Finally, review your finances on a
regular basis. This helps in highlighting
any concerns early. Alternatively, you
can enjoy the ‘feel good’ factor of
knowing your affairs are on track.
To connect with Aaron, email aaron.crotty@