Teach Middle East Magazine Mar-Apr 2018 Issue 4 Volume 5 | Page 34

Book Review


It is not often that I get a chance to read a great book written by educators who are on the front line of driving change in the education industry , so when the chance came up for me to review this new and exciting book , I grabbed it with both hands . This book is a refreshing change from the jargon filled , theoretical musings that we normally find in education books . It is filed with real life , practical and cutting-edge commentary , on what it takes to prepare our students for a future that we have not yet fully understood .
In this visionary book , written by six internationally recognized Global Teacher Prize finalists , the authors create a positive and hopefilled template for the future of education . They address the hard moral , ethical and pedagogical questions facing education today so that progress can serve society , rather than destroying it from within our classrooms . This blueprint for education finally brings forward what has always been missing in education reform : a strong collective narrative with authentic examples from teachers . It is a holistic , personalized approach to education that harnesses the disruptions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution , to better shape the future for the next generation , and ensure that every child can benefit from the ongoing transformations . It is like reading several books in one . I highly recommend this books to all those involved in preparing students for the future , especially classroom teachers . What is even better is that all the proceeds from the sale of this book goes to charities which support education .
Armand Doucet
Armand is a visionary , award-winning educator , social entrepreneur and business professional . A sought-after leader , inspirational speaker , author , columnist and blogger in multiple fields , Armand has contributed to CBC , Education Partners , BrainStem Symposium , STEM Educators Symposium , Atlantic Education Summit , Teach SDGs , TedX .
Jelmer Evers
Jelmer is a history teacher , writer , and innovator . He teaches at an innovative school : UniC in Utrecht the Netherlands . He proposes a renaissance of education with teachers in the lead on all levels . In 2015 , his book called “ Flip the System ” was published around the world . Evers was nominated teacher of the year 2012 and has received several other national awards . He was nominated twice for the Global Teacher Prize in 2015 and 2016 .
Elisa Guerra
Elisa was named “ Best Educator in Latin America ” by the Inter-American Development Bank IDB in 2015 , and was a Top 50 finalist for the Global Teacher Prize in 2015 and 2016 . When she could not find a school in her hometown of Aguascalientes , Mexico , that was challenging and stimulating enough for her own children , she founded Colegio Valle de Filadelfia . Her model has been escalated and there are now 9 campuses in 3 countries .
Dr . Nadia Lopez
Nadia is the founding Principal of Mott Hall Bridges Academy ; Dr . Nadia
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Mar - Apr 2018
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