provides the necessary motivation as
students can see their own progress
Winning solution
The younger students (up to Grade 5)
have a dedicated Mathletics period
each week. Every student has access
to an iPad for the Mathletics session
and for one other session during the
week. Grades 6 to 12 do not have a
dedicated Mathletics lesson, but will
usually use the resource as part of their
Karen finds that the reports are very
useful for highlighting students’
strengths and weaknesses. She can
keep track of how many students are
using the resource and can compare
the performance of different groups.
‘Using Mathletics has become second
nature to our teachers now.’
igital resources are designed
engagement and motivate
pupils to learn. To help
pupils excel, these resources need to
complement the classroom teaching
already taking place in schools.
Figuring out how best to embed a
new resource into the teaching cycle
can be a challenge for teachers and
take up a lot of their time. The key
to overcoming this is investing in a
resource that offers more than just
great educational content but also
tools to help teachers assign work to
students, schedule activities and plan
At the Nibras International School
in Dubai, teachers using Mathletics
(a maths resource) have found that
a combination of online reports
which help identify strengths and
weaknesses, as well as immediate
student feedback has enabled them
to embed the resource into their
teaching seamlessly.
About the school
Nibras International School (NIS) was
established in 2005 and offers an
American Curriculum for students
in Kindergarten to Grade 12. The
initial curriculum was designed in
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Mar - Apr 2018
consultation with the American
University of Beirut (AUB). Since 2012-
2013 the school has adopted the
Colorado State Academic Standards
which are aligned with the US Common
Core Standards.
The Issues Faced
The school was looking for a digital
learning tool to complement maths
teaching, align with the curricula and
offer opportunities to practise and
reinforce topics and skills.
Given the transient nature of Dubai and
the fluctuating student population,
it was equally important for teachers
to identify strengths and weaknesses
in the skills and knowledge of all
new students quickly and easily. The
requirement for a product that could
offer students feedback, reward their
achievements and involve parents
in the learning process was a main
priority for the school.
‘Mathletics gives immediate results
and students can witness their own
performance,’ said Karen Robinson,
Assistant Principal Elementary and
Middle School.
‘Students practise and master a skill,
answer questions, earn points, get a
certificate and move on. Mathletics
Class Time
Mathletics has many advantages:
• It is a very visual learning tool
• It engages students
• It develops problem solving skills
• It supports the focus on mental
maths with the younger children
• It encourages a healthy spirit of
‘Students look forward to their
Mathletics lesson and it is heart-
warming to witness our students as
they are keen to log in quickly and get
started. It also minimises any possible
disruption at the start of a lesson as
students are extremely enthusiastic
and get straight down to work.’
If you would like to find out more about
Mathletics and trial the resource for
free, visit or email
[email protected]