5 Hobbies for the creative teacher
By PreSha Barnes
If you are tired of going through the motions with the same seemingly mundane after work routines , why not shake things up ? Now could be the right time to try a new hobby that challenges you and takes you outside of your comfort zone . Creativity is not only needed for the classroom , but also in our daily lives after the bell . The goal is to possess the willpower to plan and follow through with a new hobby that can enhance the time spent outside the classroom .
Here are a few ideas to get you started .
Cooking classes
Whether you enjoy cooking or not , this is a satisfying new hobby to challenge yourself with . The joy that you will feel after creating a delicious gourmet dish will have you hooked on serving up other tasty dishes in no time . Cooking classes can be fun and therapeutic . There are coupons online offering amazing deals at restaurants and personal classes led by gourmet chefs . If you adventurous , you can use YouTube and Google for some recipes to get creative with . Remember to share the fruits of your new hobby with friends . Who knows , a few might join you at your next cooking class . Go out , have some fun , and cook something new !
Ever wanted to capture those special moments as a real photographer ? Now is the time to go for it ! Do some research to see which camera best suits the type of photography that you prefer . Invest in a semi professional camera and enroll in an after-work photography course . If you great at learning on your own , YouTube has numerous tutorials to get you started . If you get really good at it , this could also become second income stream for you !
Swimming / Water Play
Swimming improves vitality and helps you get in shape . Water aerobics is one way to release “ happy ” endorphins and have fun just playing in the water . If your skills are a little more advanced , a few laps in the pool or surfing at the beach are also fun .
If you have been consistently complemented on the ideas that you share , you might want to look into creating a personal Vlog . Vlogging entails making interesting videos on topics that resonate with others . Vlogging allows you to share your interests , record activities and interact with your audience after the video has been posted . There is a wide range of topics that you can explore . Be sure to check out other Vlogs online to see what others are doing .
Sewing can be therapeutic . From fancy throw pillows to cute outfits , sewing can introduce you to a world of creations . There are a variety of ways to learn how to sew . Blogs , Vlogs and how to videos are just a few ways to learn more . Sewing is diverse and involves some amount of trial and error in the initial stages . However , with a little effort , beautiful pieces are created . Once you get really good at it , sewing is a great way to help you save and / or make money .