Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2021 Issue 3 Volume 8 | Page 37

Sharing Good Practice
Put Strategies in Place to Ease the Transition
Lastly , the principals should recognize that fear is real . As teachers shift from schools to teach from home , they are full of anxiety as they are not sure how to deliver ( Racines , 2020 ). Additionally , as learners go back to school , the teachers need time for readjustment as they may have already gotten used to teaching remotely .
Websites that can be Used to Support Staff Well-Being
Lead by Example as a Manager / Leader
Managers and team leaders should lead the way when it comes to observing precautionary measures and observing work-ethics . The administrators and those-in-charge cannot go around breaking the rules and expect their staff to do the opposite . If they neglect their work , the subordinates follow suit .
Ways Administrators Can Support Teachers While Working Remotely
A teacher ' s well-being is essential as it has a positive influence on learners in cognitive development . Administrators can support teachers who work away from schools to reduce their workload through teamwork . That ensures the teachers can look at the pandemic ' s bright side and rub off the same energy and attitude to their students .
Administrators Need to Facilitate Community Support to Make Work Easier for Teachers
Administrators can launch transparent practices and prospects that offer clarity . They help the teachers in practicing self-care to maintain positive interactions ( Maas , 2021 ). Besides being the only support mechanism for the teachers , they can also influence the community to support the educators . That they do by convincing the societal members to provide the teachers with the support they need . Administrators should build a system for information , collection , and improvement .
Plan for Teachers ’ Specialization while Working Remotely to Avoid Overwhelming Them
Administrators need to narrow down each teacher ’ s focus to one thing to avoid overwhelming them with tasks . They should be assigned one task at a time . The teachers spend most of their time on video chats with students , and thus , roles should be divided equally .
Encouraging the Teachers Comes in Handy in Pushing Them Further
School Heads should Motivate Teachers to Continue in the Same Spirit .
Principals need to encourage teaches in whatever they do for them to be motivated to continue in the same spirit . The school principals or administrators should aim to celebrate success and offer affirmation to appraise teachers for their devotion during the pandemic .
Website 1 :
Name : Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Link : http :// www . ihi . org / communities / blogs / tips-for-improving-staffwellbeing-during-covid-19
Website 2 : Name : EY
Link : https :// www . ey . com / en _ gl / workforce / how-leaders-can-protectemployee-wellbeing-during-covid-19
Website 3 : Name : ebn
Link : https :// www . benefitnews . com / opinion / 3-ways-to-supportworkplace-well-being-during-covid-19
Dickerson , D . ( 2020 ). Seven tips for managing your mental health and well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak . Nature . doi : 10.1038 / d41586-020-00933-5
Hcpc . ( n . d .). Supporting staff well-being during COVID-19 |. Retrieved from https :// www . hcpcuk . org / covid-19 / advice / advice-for-employers / supporting-staff-wellbeing-during-covid-19 /
Maas , T . ( 2021 ). How Administrators Can Support Remote SEL | EdTech Magazine . Retrieved from https :// edtechmagazine . com / k12 / article / 2021 / 01 / how-administrators-cansupport-remote-sel
Racines , D . ( 2020 ). How K-12 Principals Can Support Teachers in a Difficult Year | Edutopia . Retrieved from https :// www . edutopia . org / article / supporting-teachers-difficult-year
Carla is an experienced transformational leader who brings more than a decade of experience in school start-up , charter school management , and school leadership to the ever-evolving field of education . She is currently serving as a Founding Assistant Principal within the Charter Schools of Abu Dhabi .
Class Time Term 3 Apr - Jun 2021 37