Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2021 Issue 3 Volume 8 | Page 36

Sharing Good Practice


BY : CARLA CAVINESS unsupervised as some of them would take advantage of that and neglect their tasks . Hence the essence of administrators monitoring and giving work breaks . They should also rotate staff from higher-stress to lower stress functions and areas ( Hcpc , n . d .).
Team up Experienced with In- Experienced Staff

The coronavirus outbreak caused a great deal of uncertainty and anxiety among individuals . The pandemic did not choose which nations or individuals to strike , with it being a global phenomenon . Therefore , every person ’ s mandate is to observe the measures and precautions given by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) to stay safe . The outbreak negatively impacted the lives of workers across the world . Individuals are expected to maintain their well-being by looking out for their mental , physical , and emotional health . Individuals are expected to connect with others to boost their social life and maintain their happiness . They are supposed to try to manage feelings of anxiety and uncertainty by acknowledging their emotions and not overthinking on things beyond their control . Individuals are advised to engage in outdoor activities such as taking walks to ease their minds off the current situations . The other ways involved are physical exercises that keep one active and maintaining a healthy routine . These strategies aim at drifting individuals ' minds from the news and worries associated with the pandemic . This article focuses on identifying how staff well-being can be maintained during the covid-19 pandemic and how administrators can help teachers while working remotely .

How to Support Staff Well-Being
Ensure that Staff Adhere to
Precautionary Measures Even When Working Remotely
Administrators face the challenge of ensuring that their teaching staff is safe while working in these unordinary times . Many administrations have resorted to their staff working remotely . That means teaching and other tasks carried out by staff take place outside the confines of a classroom . That can be at home , with online lessons growing in popularity as one way of following and fulfilling the set curriculum . Administrators ensure that the staff adheres to the set precautions even while not working within the school environment ' s confines . It would not help the teachers working from home to violate the social distance or lockdown rules after going through the hustle and bustle of organizing online classes . It would make such efforts vain as the teachers ' health and well-being would still be at stake if they were not cautious about their interactions with other people .
Monitor Staff Working Remotely and Enforce Work-Breaks
Managers and administrators execute a myriad of strategies to promote the well-being of staff working remotely during covid-19 . They encourage , monitor , and initiate work breaks . It can never be all about work for the workers , even when working from their homes ' comfort . Enforced breaks would come in handy in preventing burnout and fatigue . Simultaneously , they cannot be allowed to work
Teacher managers should team up experienced workers with inexperienced colleagues to reinforce safety , provide support , and control stress . Inexperienced staff working remotely may feel the heat of it , especially if they cannot deliver . Therefore , they need a guiding hand with classwork , schoolwork , and dealing with students .
Institute Communication Mechanisms to Keep the Staff Up-to-Date
The organization should ensure that accurate information and good quality communication updates are delivered to all staff . People working remotely require proper communication channels implemented as they is no physical contact . They rely on nonphysical mechanisms to be up-todate . Therefore , accuracy , timeliness and follow-up should be fostered to avoid cases of some staff being left behind . Everyone needs to be on the same page to ensure perfection . Intime sessions , where workers offer social aid to one another , also come in handy .
Implement Support Mechanisms and Services
Staff needs to be made aware of how and where they can find psychological and mental health support services , given how mentally exhausting and demanding the current situation can get . It should also allow workers ’ flexibility if they are directly or indirectly impacted by the pandemic ( Dickerson , 2020 ).
36 Term 3 Apr - Jun 2021
Class Time