Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2021 Issue 3 Volume 8 | Page 26

Sharing Good Practice


The role of a senior leader
The role of a senior leader ( SL ) in school , encompasses a broad spectrum of roles , including ; Vice Principals , Assistant Vice Principals , Faculty Leads , Advanced Skills Teachers ( ASTs ), SENCOs , and curriculum or pastoral leaders . Most , but not all , Senior Leaders will be members of the Senior Leadership Team ( SLT ) and have whole-school responsibilities , but this will vary from school to school . Often there is no generic function of the role of SLs in schools , and at times little distinction between the role of Vice and Assistant Principals , or indeed middle and senior leaders .
Each Senior Leadership role may have different requirements according to the setting , so how can teachers best prepare for this role ? In my article in TEACH Middle East , March 2019 , I outlined the prerequisites for applying for a middle leader ’ s role . All these are also relevant when applying for an SL post . Do you need to be a middle leader before a senior leader ? Not necessarily , if you can demonstrate the right skills , expertise , and experience .
The focus for SLs is on continuous improvement of teaching , learning and pupil achievement . Their leadership experience and skills ensure that they understand the impact that changes in process and procedure can have on teaching and learning . They need to lead their teams authentically to ensure these changes are made . They are expected to take on significant accountability for the school ’ s performance which means the role is often both operational and strategic and relies on working with and through colleagues , particularly through middle leaders , to ensure every pupil gets a high quality education . They also have considerable budgetary responsibility and are expected to play their part in ensuring school resources are used efficiently and effectively .
What skills and expertise do Senior Leaders need ?
Senior school leaders need to exhibit competencies and behaviours similar to those of a Principal
as they will play a key role in developing , promoting , and evaluating impact of school strategies . With the Principal , they have the responsibility for whole-school performance and are accountable for the performance of staff reporting directly to them . This pushes accountability down to middle leaders , who need to be accountable for performance in their areas . Holding others to account can be challenging for new SLs , particularly if their promotion is in-school .
Building professional and leadership capacity among middle and aspiring leaders across the school is a key responsibility of SLs . They need to know their staff very well , being able to identify those with talent or skills , and know how to identify the development needs of colleagues , as well as how to address them appropriately . They must also be aware of poor performers and be rigorous in developing monitoring and support strategies . SLs need to balance coaching skills to support staff development , with managing their performance and holding them to account by demanding high standards and setting stretching targets which they monitor rigorously .
Senior Leaders need a depth of expertise across a number of specialist areas related to their role
5 curriculum , assessment and data analysis
5 behaviour , organisational management
5 knowledge and expertise in school improvement strategies
5 budget setting , monitoring and evaluating
5 essential knowledge , skills and concepts that underpin successful school leadership .
5 Performance management , holding others to account
They must understand the relationship between these different domains , how they can change over time and how to contribute to a culture and conditions in which staff and pupils are able to thrive , all while maintaining the highest professional conduct .
Professional Development .
There is no one size fits all in terms
26 Term 3 Apr - Jun 2021
Class Time