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the end of the day , telling teachers to go home . The school has cultivated a culture in which leaving on time is to be celebrated . This can be surprisingly controversial in some schools .
Planning For The Future At Star International School Mirdif
learning gaps within students much more quickly and efficiently than when using traditional methods . This saves time and allows them to tailor their classroom approaches to truly personalise the learning of the children . Century Tech also allows students to have their own tailored curriculum pathways .
Because of the school ' s investment and move to a more coordinated Digital strategy 18 months ago , the switch to distance learning was relatively smooth . The learning never stopped , and because of this , the school performed significantly well in the DSIB distance learning inspection last academic year .
Promoting Staff And Student Wellbeing
Star International School Mirdif has a fully qualified school counsellor who makes herself available to all members of the school community . This means that the staff and students have professional support on hand to advise and guide them with their wellbeing strategy .
The school , in its daily activities , promotes a feeling of wellbeing among all its stakeholders . They describe themselves as being a family-run community school . The Principal and wider senior leadership team , have an open-door policy , and they welcome staff feedback and
offer that compassionate leadership that has been needed more than ever during the pandemic . This supportive atmosphere trickles down to teachers who help support their students from a pastoral perspective and help to promote positivity and wellbeing across the community . The leadership is very vocal about work-life balance and do their best to model this . The principal is known to occasionally roam the hallways at
Star Mirdif has established itself as an excellent school that puts its community at the heart of everything it does . There has been a constant change over the last 18 months with new systems embedded and various enhancements made across the curriculum . So , the first part of that plan is to take a breath and give the school time to embed all these changes properly , which is something schools often forget to do .
It is a very exciting time to be at Star Mirdif . Having launched the Secondary school last academic year , they now have the approval to launch year 10 in the upcoming academic year . The school hopes to grow year on year until it boasts a sixth form . Above all , Star International School Mirdif hopes to become a centre of excellence for research-informed teaching and learning .
Gill is a highly experienced teacher , senior leader , Headteacher and Principal . She has been in the profession for 37 years and has had the advantage of teaching in all phases of education in several different countries . As a Headteacher , her passion is teaching , and she particularly enjoys seeing children enlightened by the activities teachers , engage them in . A child ' s thirst for learning is an incredible honour to nurture .
Neal Oates is an award-winning educator with a passion for research-led teaching and learning , as well as technology integration . Having worked in outstanding schools in the region , Neal joined Star Mirdif in September 2019 . Neal is the proud winner of the BETT 2019 leadership award for his work in STEAM curriculum development , which also won an award at GESS for best use of STEAM . He is an overall winner from the 2018 Microsoft Global E2 competition held in Singapore . Neal is a father to two lovely girls who are joining Star Mirdif next academic year and enjoys nothing more than taking his dog Harold for long walks and spending time with his young family .
Class Time Term 3 Apr - Jun 2021 25