6. Is Tabata Boot Camp an appropriate instructor
course for beginning instructors?
This is what is so unique and special about TBC;
We offer progressions and regressions for every
fitness level. And not your normal modifications
that you normally see! We break down each
exercise into it’s parts and create on ramps for
true progressions to true improvement.
7. Why do you think Tabata Boot Camp has been so
successful for instructors across the nation?
This is a game changing program focused on connection.
Each Tabata Bootcamp trainer owns their own web site
where their bootcampers have their own web site. This web
site houses everything both the trainer and trainee needs to
see success. The web site offer a daily morning get up and
get ready workout that is only 6 minutes, nutritional strategy
clips, fitness and body assessment stats, schedule, daily
recipe, food log, metobolic profile, and so much more.
8. What is your go to cue in class?
Don’t have one because I try to be authentic to each moment
9. What was your inspiration for creating your gliding
Again, it is about connection! Paper plates started the
ball rolling. I loved the integration utilizing multiple
muscles at the same time. With the discs, your entire
body is integrated in the experience
10. What’s next?
Writing a book. I am not unwrapping the title
yet but be on the lookout early 2015. It has
nothing to do with fitness!
Tabtata Boot Camp trainings are happening in
states across the nation.
See TabataBootCamp.com for more information.