Road Runner Sports
5553 Copley Dr.
San Diego, CA 92111
(858) 974-4455
Articles NEEDED!
e are always looking for race reports. Share your latest experience, your first or 500th
event. No two races are the same. Stories need not be just about triathlon, they can
include running, cycling, tri travels… etc., whatever you think other club members may
find interesting. Without content, this
Share your race report
or adventure.
Just a test to see who is reading... This will be the last
newsletter will end up being just ads,
and that is no fun.
issue of TriNews if member’s don’t want or care about the content to fill these pages... we’re giving members one more month.
Rudy Project
Discount: 40% off helmets and
sunglasses. CODE: Available on TCSD
Member Discount web page.
Submission date is the 17th of each month for the following month’s publication and should
include photos whenever possible. Any questions on the submission process, please contact the
publisher or editor for complete details. See page 3 for contact info.
(800) 468-6694
Xterra Wetsuits
610 Gateway Center Way, Suite J
San Diego, CA 92102
(858) 565-9500
Discount: 60% off select wetsuits.
CODE: Available on TCSD Member
Discount web page.
Zoca Custom Endurance Gear
San Diego, CA
Contact: Hank Montrose
[email protected]
continued on page 13
Age Group: M/F 45-49
Date: November 16, 2014
Location:Tempe Town, AZ
A race/love story from a first timer and the
better half of a training couple.
“I’m a volume guy, you know.” Gulp. I began
feeling slightly nauseous. I was sitting next to
my boyfriend, Marc, and our running/tri coach
was describing his Ironman training philosophy to us. “What, exactly, is ‘volume?’” I
thought. In my opinion, ALL triathlon training was voluminous, but I had never trained
for a full 140.6. What did I know?
Let’s backtrack a bit. Marc and I had volunteered for Ironman Arizona in 2012. We
were relative newbies having just started in Ready to race, IM AZ!
the sport earlier that year. We decided to skip
the Monday sign-ups and drive home due to volunteering. and
work obligations. But on the ride home, still here we are now
basking in the IMAZ finish line adrenaline, we in a hip, casual
convinced ourselves that maybe we COULD do restaurant in Encinitas, sitit. Well, it never happened; the race sold out in ting across from our experienced coach, Jim
15 seconds or so and we were done. At least for O’Hara, who is trying to explain that we’re in
that year. All during 2013, we planned to vol- for something “voluminous.” This made me a
unteer again at IMAZ to secure a 2014 slot. We little (ok, a LOT) nervous. I’m a single mom, I
made our way back to Arizona in 2013 and whined to myself; I have three young kids, a
signed up the morning after full time job and I’m LAZY in the mornings. In