Kyle: Bryan puts on great strength and injury prevention classes bounce back so quickly from being so sick to World Champion
a couple times a week at his Rehab United clinics. I originally met in a few short months?
Randi at these strength classes. I would briefly say hi to Randi Kyle: Last year, I was able to put up good results and I really
after I originally met her, but since I was there to work out that wanted to get a great base of training going into this year. I was
was what my focus was on. She may be hot, but I have other doing seven hour training days the first week of December and
things to worry about, like how bad can I
people were telling me I was nuts, ‘what the hell are you training
make myself hurt today. But after one class
this hard for when your first half ironman is not
I found Randi and I in a great conversation
for over two months?’. The thing is
out in the parking lot for 10 or 15 minutes
that you never hear of anyone doing
and was about to approach her about getsomething great by being normal or
ting dinner together when she abruptly
by doing what everyone else does. I
ended the conversation because she was
was going to take my racing to anothgetting too cold, and before I knew it
er level and that meant taking my
she was gone, leaving me standing
training to another level. I really did
there. I thought ‘that sucks’, but I will
not care what anyone else thought. My
see her again. Rehab held a team
goals and ambitions are higher than the
building event at a Padres game
next person; therefore I am going to do
around ten months after our original
twice the work as them. We must have
first (what I thought) great converdreams to make us strive for greatness…
sation outside of RU. As a triathlete
‘Nothing can happen if not first a dream.’
there really is no time for a social
After my six day hospital stay from lung
life, especially the more serious you
surgery I spent two weeks recovering. I
take the sport. Your training partended up with eight weeks until World
ners become your training best
Championships 70.3. I spent that first three
friends. That night I was able to
weeks absolutely murdering myself with
attend the baseball game
strength training. I maxed my body out every
because I was injured and Randi
day because that is what needed to be done to
s from K
had just finished an ironman so
yle’s no
compete at a high level. Regularly waking up
w wife,
we were both out of training and
at 2013
before 4AM, running hill repeats in the pitch
CA 70.3
actually had time get to know someone. We both con.
dark or on my bike trainer pounding away. I
nected at that game and now have become more than best
moved into speed four weeks before Worlds getfriends; we're each other’s better half until death does us part.
ting more quality or quantity and that paid off big time. If I did
Bryan claims to have set us up. All I know is that I owe that guy
not have those monster months of training in December and
big time because without Rehab I would have never met the love
January my body would not have been able to handle the load I
of my life.
put in the two months before Worlds.
You had lung surgery earlier this year. What brought that on?
Kyle: The lung issues were the result of a bacterial infection to
my lung and diaphragm. The exact cause of it all will always be a
mystery. But it all started the week of Oceanside this year when
I went into that race already feeling sick. I got in a fist fight with
some guy in the swim and ended up with a black lip and swallowed a lot of that nasty water. 15 miles on the bike I puked all
over the place. A week after the race I was feeling worse and
worse and could barely run. In the middle of a six hour bike ride
I was on the side of the road, not able to breathe and honestly
pretty scared. Not being able to breathe is no joke and nothing
that I had encountered before. I ended up in the ER and was diagnosed with pneumonia and pleurisy. That was the start to the
crazy summer of mine.
You had a major physical set back this year. How did you
How did the IM 70.3 Worlds go down for you in Mont
Kyle: I came out of the water in 27 minutes which