TCR Playbills Calendar Girls Playbill | Page 16

Nancy Mortimore (Lady Cravenshire) Nancy is thrilled to be a part of this funny, yet touching play! And, to appear with women whom she has admired on stage always. This marks her 17th show with TCR, but her first non-musical. Check that off the “bucket list”! Her favorites are Fiddler on the Roof (‘78, ‘89, ‘08) and Man of La Mancha (‘84, ‘05). Nancy also is a 23 year veteran of the Cedar Rapids Follies. Away from theater, she was a teacher in Cedar Rapids (Taft and Kennedy) for 32 years, and now is a volunteer for the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art (docent), St. Luke’s Auxiliary (Past President), and belongs to three book clubs, including the Wednesday Shakespeare Club. She wants to thank her family, Steve, Jamie and Andie, and Denise and Brad, for their support all these years, especially Steve, who has spent many hours as a bachelor/ groupie.... ”Thanks, Honey!” Marty Norton (Annie) Marty has been seen happily playing on area stages for the past twenty or so years. She will be forever indebted to directors Richard, Jason, Leslie, Jim, J David, and Angie, for their brilliant and patient teaching, and to the dear friends she has made on this journey. Naked acting is something new and the ultimate cast bonding experience! Love to her fellow Calendar Girls cast, and as always, to Don and Jessie. “Thank you for continuing to attend live theater!” Anne Ohrt (Celia) Anne feels beyond blessed and is so thrilled to be part of this amazing Calendar Girls cast. Anne was last seen on the TCR stage in Mary Poppins as Mrs. Winifred Banks and last fall as Cinderella’s Stepmother in Into the Woods. Outside of TCR, Anne’s roles include: Facilities Manager, Apple Farmer, Baker, Private Piano/Voice Teacher and most importantly wife and Mom. Anne would like to send many thanks to Angie for the opportunity to be a part of this show and would also like to send a great big thank you to Shane for being a rock star dad and for always encouraging her to pursue her love of performing. “These characters will show you that: ‘Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass - it is about learning how to dance in the rain.’ Enjoy!”