Orchard in Marion. At TCR’s booth, children participated in Annie-themed craft activities and received Annie stickers. Directors' Conference in Madison, Wisconsin on Nov. 3. This 4-day, biennial conference gathers managing directors to work together, share stories of challenges and solutions, learn about other theatre operations, and meet colleagues from across the country. FALL CLASSES ARE UNDERWAY, AND PROGRAMMING IS  ImpactCR held their Siren Wednesday event in TCR’s Linge Lounge on November 1st. These after-work socials occur on the first Wednesday of each month and serve as a way for young professionals to network with each other in a relaxing environment.  November 17–December 10, TCR will have an Angel Tree in the lobby benefitting the children at Tanager Place. Please help us make Christmas a little brighter for children at the Tanager Place by taking an Angel tag off our tree and purchasing a gift for a child in need this holiday season.  TCR is currently working with Iowa BIG students on a campaign to celebrate TCR’s history as we prepare for our upcoming 85th season. Iowa BIG is an initiative-based high school experience created by the community- building effort of The Gazette Companies and The Cedar Rapids Community School District.  TCR Executive Director Katie Hallman attended the National Community Theatre Managing FALL MARQUEE | IN PROGRESS FOR WINTER AND SPRING! VISIT THEATRECR.ORG/LEARN AND WATCH OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR UPDATES.  WINTER SESSION REGISTRATION BEGINS NOV 27  SPRING SESSION AND SPRING BREAK REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN 1  IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY TO START THINKING ABOUT SUMMER CAMPS! WEEKLY THEATRE CAMPS FOR ALL AGES BEGIN IN JUNE AND LAST ALL SUMMER! UNDERGROUND NEW PLAY FESTIVAL AUDITION DATES DECEMBER 10 & 11 @7PM (SHOW DATES FEBRUARY 8–25) THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK AUDITION DATES TBA - WATCH FACEBOOK AND THEATRECR.ORG FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS! (SHOW DATES MARCH 9–31) BENT AUDITION DATES TBA - WATCH FACEBOOK AND THEATRECR.ORG FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS! (SHOW DATES MARCH 16–APRIL 7) 15