TBBA Building Barometer October 2013 | 页面 2

2 TBBA Building Barometer

in the event of a zombie attack: recruit a member!

The directory is an indispensable tool for all members. Don’t miss out on an entire year’s advertising to members and the opportunity to stand out from your competitors by advertising or enhancing your company’s listing! Click here for details or place an ad.

There are two times out of the year that we ask you to look through your rolodex.

This is one of them…

The Membership Committee has set ambitious goals for TBBA, SMC, and RMC. Please help TBBA grow membership by recruiting new members.

We are only 30 members away from reaching 700 members!

The DEADline for the membership drive is Wednesday, October 30th.

Here are some Zombie Survival Gear to break out when recruiting:

5 Reasons to Join Membership Application

Contact zombie leader Lauren Morgan for questions: [email protected]


membership directory

The 2014 Membership Directory is now underway!