TASBO Report Aug 2017 | Page 22

Texas’ Oldest and Largest Local Government Investment Pool The only pool sponsored by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, TexPool is currently used by over 2,300 entities for their short-term investment needs. Assets are managed and serviced by Federated Investors, one of the largest managers of AAA-rated money market portfolios in the country. 1 Participant services provided include: trading, reporting, inquiries, vendor payment, online security pricing and educational training. For more information about TexPool or TexPool Prime, contact us at 1-866-TEX-POOL or visit www.texpool.com. 1 Source: iMoneyNet, Inc., 11/30/16. For more information on credit ratings, visit standardandpoors.com. Credit ratings do not protect against market risk. Q451348B (3/17)