TASBO Report Aug 2017 | Page 21

SIGHTS & SOUNDS (Above) TASBO Chief Learning Officer Jason Meek leads a True Colors session that provided an overview on workplace personalities. (Above) TASBO staff puts on their sunshades before heading to Galveston. Close to 1,000 registrants attended to TASBO Summer Conference with three full days of course offerings, one day of breakout sessions and 50 exhibitors. (Below) A mini-Fort Bend ISD reunion takes place at the TASBO BBQ Beach Party with (from left to right) - Lisa Bryant, TASBO Executive Director (& former Fort Bend ISD CFO) Tracy Ginsburg and Gloria Truskowski. (Below) Special thanks to TASBO Strategic Partner, Houston ISD’s Medicaid Finance & Consulting Services for providing relief from the heat at both the TASBO Golf Tournament & TASBO BBQ Beach Party. TASBO.ORG 21