Writing and reviewing online safety policy process
The Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) are Mr. Ramazan YILDIZ and Mrs. Yağmur TOPKAYA
The Online safety (e-Safety) lead for the Governing Body is Mr.Hayrettin TOPUZ
Policy approved by School Headmaster: Hayrettin TOPUZ at October 16 th 2017
Policy approved by Governing Body of Taraşcı Secondary School at October 18 th 2017
The date for the next policy review is at the end of the 2017-2018 Educational year at the annual
end of the educational year meeting of teachers.
Taraşcı Secondary School online safety policy has been written by the school, involving
staff, pupils and parents/carers, with specialist advice and input as required. Before
creating the policy, there was meeting with representative pupils, parent teacher
association representatives and teachers of school.
The policy has been approved and agreed by Taraşcı Secondary School Governing Body.
The school has appointed the Designated Safeguarding Leads Ramazan YILDIZ, Yağmur
TOPKAYA as an appropriate member of the leadership team and the online safety lead.
The school has appointed Mr. Ramazan YILDIZ, as the member of the Taraşcı Secondary
School Governing Body take lead responsibility for online safety.
The online safety (e–Safety) Policy and its implementation will be reviewed by the school
at least annually or sooner if required.
1.3.1 The key responsibilities of the Taraşcı Secondary School School Governing Body and
leadership team are:
Developing, owning and promoting the online safety vision and culture to all
stakeholders, in line with national and local recommendations with appropriate support
and consultation throughout the school community.
Ensuring that online safety is viewed by the whole community as a safeguarding issue
and proactively developing a robust online safety culture.
Supporting the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) by ensuring they have sufficient time
and resources to fulfil their online safety role and responsibilities.
Ensuring there are appropriate and up-to-date policies and procedures regarding online
safety including an Acceptable Use Policy which covers appropriate professional conduct
and use of technology.
To ensure that suitable and appropriate filtering and monitoring systems are in place to
protect children from inappropriate content which meet the needs of the school
community whilst ensuring children have access to required educational material.
To work with and support technical staff in monitoring the safety and security of
school/setting systems and networks and to ensure that the school/setting network
system is actively monitored.
Ensuring all members of staff receive regular, up-to-date and appropriate training
regarding online safety roles and responsibilities and provide guidance regarding safe
appropriate communications.