Members of staff will be encouraged to manage and control the content they share and
post online. Advice will be provided to staff via staff training and by sharing appropriate
guidance and resources on a regular basis.
Members of staff will notify the Management Team immediately if they consider that
any content shared or posted via any information and communications technology,
including emails or social networking sites conflicts with their role in the school/setting.
Members of staff are encouraged not to identify themselves as employees of Taraşcı
Secondary School on their personal social networking accounts. This is to prevent
information on these sites from being linked with the school/setting and also to
safeguard the privacy of staff members and the wider community.
Members of staff will ensure that they do not represent their personal views as that of
the school on social media.
School email addresses will not be used for setting up personal social media accounts.
Members of staff who follow/like the school social media channels will be advised to use
dedicated professionals accounts, where possible, to avoid blurring professional
3.4.Staff official use of social media
If members of staff are participating in online activity as part of their capacity as an employee
of the school, then they are requested to be professional at all times and to be aware that
they are an ambassador for the school.
Staff using social media officially will disclose their official role/position but always make it
clear that they do not necessarily speak on behalf of the school/setting.
Staff using social media officially will be responsible, credible, fair and honest at all times and
consider how the information being published could be perceived or shared.
Staff using social media officially will always act within the legal frameworks they would
adhere to within the workplace, including libel, defamation, confidentiality, copyright, data
protection as well as equalities laws.
Staff must ensure that any image posted on any official social media channel have
appropriate written parental consent.
Staff using social media officially will be accountable and must not disclose information,
make commitments or engage in activities on behalf of the school unless they are authorised
to do so.
Staff using social media officially will inform their line manager, the Designated Safeguarding
Lead and/or the head teacher of any concerns such as criticism or inappropriate content
posted online.