TARAŞCI ŞEHİT OKAN ALTIPARMAK ORTAOKULU ÇEVRİMİÇİ GÜVENLİK POLİTİKASI        3.3 Images or videos of children will only be shared on official social media sites/channels in accordance with the image use policy. Information about safe and responsible use of social media channels will be communicated clearly and regularly to all members of the community. Official social media sites, blogs or wikis will be suitably protected (e.g. password protected) and where possible, run or linked to from the school/setting website and take place with written approval from the Leadership Team. Leadership staff must be aware of account information and relevant details for social media channels in case of emergency, such as staff absence. Parents and pupils will be informed of any official social media use, along with expectations for safe use and l action taken to safeguard the community. Public communications on behalf of the school, where possible, be read and agreed by at least one other colleague. The school/setting will ensure that any official social media use does not exclude members of the community who are unable or unwilling to use social media channels. Staff personal use of social media        The safe and responsible use of social networking, social media and personal publishing sites will be discussed with all members of staff as part of staff induction and will be revisited and communicated via regular staff training opportunities. Safe and professional behaviour will be outlined for all members of staff (including volunteers) as part of the school Acceptable Use Policy. All members of staff are advised not to communicate with or add as ‘friends’ any current or past children/pupils or current or past pupils’ family members via any personal social media sites, applications or profiles. Any pre-existing relationships or exceptions that may compromise this will be discussed with Designated Safeguarding Lead or the head teacher. If ongoing contact with pupils is required once they have left the school roll, then members of staff will be expected to use existing alumni networks or use official school provided communication tools. Information and content that staff members have access to as part of their employment, including photos and personal information about pupils and their family members, colleagues etc. will not be shared or discussed on personal social media sites. All members of staff are strongly advised to safeguard themselves and their privacy when using social media sites. This will include being aware of location sharing services, setting the privacy levels of their personal sites as strictly as they can, opting out of public listings on social networking sites, logging out of accounts after use and keeping passwords safe and confidential. All members of staff are encouraged to carefully consider the information, including text and images, they share and post online and to ensure that their social media use is compatible with their professional role and is in accordance with schools policies and the wider professional and legal framework.