� Ensuring that the school ’ s ICT infrastructure / system is secure and not open to misuse or malicious attack .
� Ensuring that appropriate anti-virus software and system updates are installed and maintained on all setting machines and portable devices .
� Ensure that appropriately strong passwords are applied and enforced for all but the youngest users .
1.3.5 The key responsibilities of Taraşcı Secondary School Pupils ( children and young people ) are :
� Contributing to the development of online safety policies . � Reading the school / setting Acceptable Use Policies ( AUPs ) and adhering to them . � Respecting the feelings and rights of others both on and offline . �
Seeking help from a trusted adult if things go wrong , and supporting others that may be experiencing online safety issues .
� At a level that is appropriate to their individual age , ability and vulnerabilities :
� Taking responsibility for keeping themselves and others safe online . �
Taking responsibility for their own awareness and learning in relation to the opportunities and risks posed by new and emerging technologies . Assessing the personal risks of using any particular technology , and behaving safely and responsibly to limit those risks .
1.3.6 The key responsibilities of parents and carers are : �
Reading the school / setting Acceptable Use Policies , encouraging their children to adhere to them , and adhering to them themselves where appropriate . Discussing online safety issues with their children , supporting the school in their online safety approaches , and reinforcing appropriate safe online behaviours at home . � Role modelling safe and appropriate uses of technology and social media . � Identifying changes in behaviour that could indicate that their child is at risk of harm online . �
Seeking help and support from the school , or other appropriate agencies , if they or their child encounters online problems or concerns . � Contributing to the development of the school / setting online safety policies . �
Using school systems , such as learning platforms , and other network resources , safely and appropriately . Taking responsibility for their own awareness and learning in relation to the opportunities and risks posed by new and emerging technologies .