TARAŞCI ORTAOKULU ONLINE SAFETY POLICY Taraşcı Secondary School Online Safety Policy | Page 5

TARAŞCI ŞEHİT OKAN ALTIPARMAK ORTAOKULU ÇEVRİMİÇİ GÜVENLİK POLİTİKASI 1.3.3 The key responsibilities for Taraşcı Secondary School all members of staff are:             Contributing to the development of online safety policies. Reading the school Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs) and adhering to them. Taking responsibility for the security of school/setting systems and data. Having an awareness of a range of different online safety issues and how they may relate to the children in their care. Modelling good practice when using new and emerging technologies Embedding online safety education in curriculum delivery wherever possible. Identifying individuals of concern and taking appropriate action by following school safeguarding policies and procedures. Knowing when and how to escalate online safety issues, internally and externally. Being able to signpost to appropriate support available for online safety issues, internally and externally. Maintaining a professional level of conduct in their personal use of technology, both on and off site. Demonstrating an emphasis on positive learning opportunities. Taking personal responsibility for professional development in this area. 1.3.4 In addition to the above, the key responsibilities for Taraşcı Secondary School staff managing the technical environment are:  Providing a safe and secure technical infrastructure which support safe online practices while ensuring that learning opportunities are still maximised.  Taking responsibility for the implementation of safe security of systems and data in partnership with the leadership and management team.  To ensure that suitable access controls and encryption is implemented to protect personal and sensitive information held on school-owned devices.  Ensuring that the schools filtering policy is applied and updated on a regular basis and that responsibility for its implementation is shared with the DSL.  Ensuring that the use of the school network is regularly monitored and reporting any deliberate or accidental misuse to the DSL.  Report any breaches or concerns to the DSL and leadership team and together ensure that they are recorded and appropriate action is taken as advised.  Developing an understanding of the relevant legislation as it relates to the security and safety of the technical infrastructure.  Providing technical support and perspective to the DSL and leadership team, especially in the development and implementation of appropriate online safety policies and procedures.