Tameside NCT Magazine Autumn 2016 | Page 22

written by Selina, mum to Will

Apart from the pool which is long gone, I only wanted drugs if I really really needed them. And now I finally plead for drugs... all the drugs! The consultant informs me there isn't any time for drugs (there never has been, I knew this already). At this point, the consultant knows I have no more and

in she walks with the forceps.

I looked at those forceps during the ward round and I was nothing short of

horrified!!! How the...? Where? What?! Not me!!!

But at that point it was like seeing the end... I didn't care how, I just wanted this baby out!! The consultant knew exactly when to bring them in. I won't lie, it felt weird and a bit uncomfortable but hey, I was in labour - It's not exactly bliss! And in 2 seconds with a big push, baby finally was out! I'd done 99% and all I needed was help with that last bit and that's exactly

what I got!

Having that help right at the very end let me do the whole labour myself and I was grateful for that. Yes it didn't go to plan but it all progressed far too fast! They would t have even got the pool filled by the time I needed it. Had I not been given that help, I would of been in a very difficult situation. The consultant knew exactly when the use them and only at the last second. She also knew that my labour was progressing at speed so my plan was definately out of the window. And just 3 hours after first arriving it was all
