Talk of Arizona Vol 1 Fall 2014 | Page 29


Talk of Arizona

Fall 2014

Continued on next page

plant to prepare for remodeling.

Danzeisen hired the owner of Laveen ice cream shop Scooptacular, Nindi Wadhwa, to run the plant.

Wadhwa said Danzeisen first approached him about possibly selling Scooptacular ice cream mix.

Before he and his wife Carissa first opened their store, Wadhwa had searched the country for the right mix. He wasn’t interested in trying an untested dairy and declined.

A while later Wadhwa was talking to someone at Penn State, who mentioned Danzeisen had consulted with them.

Wadhwa and Danzeisen got together and found they had a similar commitment to Laveen. Nindi Wadhwa had been working as a pilot for Mesa Airlines and Carissa was working at Starbucks when they noticed a Coldstone Creamery store had gone out of business.