To get the best returns
on your advert, you need
to understand which dwell
time will be the most
effective - you’ve got to be
dwell time smart
the aforementioned side of a
bus (known as streetliners in
the business) act like a moving
shop front. They’re a canvas
that creates impact, grabs
attention, and increases brand
awareness in the best possible
environment, an environment
where large audiences are in
an open mindset, engaged and
receptive to communication
- which is the exact situation
they find themselves in on the
high street. As such they’re a
perfect format for businesses
to ‘sponsor’ the high street that
they are located on. Like shop
fronts however, they shouldn’t
be too busy, distracting, or copyheavy. To make the best use of
the short dwell time format, ads
need to be clear and targeted to
their audience, as the message is
put directly in front of shoppers
as a prompt to purchase.
In contrast, long dwell time
formats provide you with
the opportunity to have a
conversation with your audience.
Because consumers are exposed
to the ad for longer, they can
absorb a greater amount of
information than a pedestrian
walking down a high street could,
and thus they can truly engage
76 September 2014 76
with the message that you are
trying to convey. For example,
bus rears, a format popular with
the motoring industry, have an
average dwell time of around 48
seconds. That’s a long time to
talk to consumers on a one-toone basis and convince them
to visit the nearest showroom.
Meanwhile, online businesses
often use the space inside a bus
or train (known as passenger
panels) to encourage direct
response by prompting travellers
to visit a website, as consumers
are in a time-rich environment
where they are able to go online
via their mobile phone. Because
of the greater exposure and the
opportunities for longer copy,
the message of a long dwell time
advert is as important as ever. It is
vital that it is targeted with a clear
and relevant call to action if it is
to have any hope of succeeding,
bearing in mind that the ultimate
goal is usually (though not
always) to prompt a purchase.
Understanding which length
of dwell time to utilise to match
your core objectives, and how to
shape the content to fit the choice
you make, is the cornerstone of a
successful campaign.
22/07/2014 15:35
Exterion Media works in partnership with
companies everywhere to make sure that you
select the dwell time time that is right for your
business and advertising campaign.
Exterion Media, in association with Campaign,
is celebrating the Year of the Bus by launching
The Big Bus Challenge. Your brand can be the
centre of attention and be seen by 30 million
people every week.
It’s laying down a challenge to every
advertiser, agency, and creative out there: show
off your skills with some brilliant bus advertising
designs – and you could win yourselves a
national or regional campaign, along with
personal prizes for the winning teams.
It’s free to enter and you can submit
as many entries as you like!
for more information.
29/08/2014 12:39