Last month, Malcolm
Stoodley of Exterion Media
gave his guide on what to
consider when looking at
using outdoor advertising.
This month, he explains
one of the most important
considerations of any
advertising campaign dwell time
Gone in 60
he amount of time
a consumer will
spend looking at
your advertisement,
is known in the
advertising industry as ‘dwell
time’, and can vary hugely
depending on the format of
your advert. It is one o f the
biggest keys for you to consider
when assessing any advertising
campaign - after all, it is no
use having a detailed advert on
the side of a bus with lots of
clever, witty text on it, if that
bus is going to be gone in 60
seconds, leaving the audience
with insufficient time to read it
(and find out which company it
is promoting). So how do
you make it work in your
business’s favour?
First things first, if you
know how to utilise dwell
time properly, and match it
to your marketing objectives,
it’ll become one of the most
powerful tools in your arsenal.
Yes, you want to grab your
audience’s attention, but a
one-size-fits-all approach won’t
maximise the impact and reach
of your campaign. To get the best
returns on your advert, you need
to understand which dwell time
will be the most effective for you
and how to use it- you’ve got to
be dwell time smart.
Many people think that
the longer a person sees an
advertisement, the better.
Whilst true in many cases,
there are just as many when
a short, sharp commercial or
promotion will capture the
attention of your audience
even more effectively. Short
dwell time formats, such as 75
29/08/2014 12:39