Safari management
I am lion, hear me roar!
Or maybe you’re not? We’ve
evolved from animals, so
it is no surprise that we
share certain characteristics
with them. The business
environment is an intricate
eco-system of personalities,
just like the African plains.
Editor, Luke Garner
investigates which animal
best represents your
business management style
An employee comes to you
saying that their beloved family
pet has died and they’d like a
day off to bury it. Do you:
A Although it isn’t in the company’s
bereavement policy, many pets
are like family, so you grant the
request this time, whilst offering
an arm around their shoulder
- You are an ELEPHANT
B You refuse, stating the company
bereavement policy. After all, if
you allowed this one request,the
rest of your employees might
complain and/or start making up
similar excuses to get a day off You are a FLAMINGO
A local media team want
to interview you about a
charitable event you held. An
employee suggested the idea,
but when they ask, you:
A Give full credit to the employee.
It was their idea after all, and the
acknowledgement might inspire
some of your other employees to
work harder - You are a MEERKAT
B Take the credit. You’re the face
of the company and you put the
team together, so everything that
comes out of the company is a
direct result of your activities and
decisions - Go to Q6
You have a potential big
client in China who wants to
arrange a meeting, but you
can’t afford to fly out there.
Do you:
A Take out a loan to cover the cost
of the trip and speculate that a
successful contract agreement
will repay the costs. Business
should be done face-to-face after
all - You are a LEOPARD
B Set up a meeting online
through Skype or similar videoconferencing software instead
- You are a CHAMELEON
Now turn over to discover what your chosen
animal says about your management style. 61 61
29/08/2014 14:31