Talk Business Magazine September 2014 | Page 61

STRATEGY Safari management S TINCT I am lion, hear me roar! Or maybe you’re not? We’ve evolved from animals, so it is no surprise that we share certain characteristics with them. The business environment is an intricate eco-system of personalities, just like the African plains. Editor, Luke Garner investigates which animal best represents your business management style 4 An employee comes to you saying that their beloved family pet has died and they’d like a day off to bury it. Do you: A Although it isn’t in the company’s bereavement policy, many pets are like family, so you grant the request this time, whilst offering an arm around their shoulder - You are an ELEPHANT B You refuse, stating the company bereavement policy. After all, if you allowed this one request,the rest of your employees might complain and/or start making up similar excuses to get a day off You are a FLAMINGO 4A 4B 5 A local media team want to interview you about a charitable event you held. An employee suggested the idea, but when they ask, you: A Give full credit to the employee. It was their idea after all, and the acknowledgement might inspire some of your other employees to work harder - You are a MEERKAT B Take the credit. You’re the face of the company and you put the team together, so everything that comes out of the company is a direct result of your activities and decisions - Go to Q6 6 5A You have a potential big client in China who wants to arrange a meeting, but you can’t afford to fly out there. Do you: A Take out a loan to cover the cost of the trip and speculate that a successful contract agreement will repay the costs. Business should be done face-to-face after all - You are a LEOPARD B Set up a meeting online through Skype or similar videoconferencing software instead - You are a CHAMELEON 6A 6B Now turn over to discover what your chosen animal says about your management style. 61 61 29/08/2014 14:31