Twin K Dot Killa and Tae dollars the big dream was finally looking like reality. Anthony was starting to create a buzz for the group and his self . In the midst of a young mans dream Anthony still struggled with a broken home so he moved out of his mother's house at 14. Anthony put music on hold for a while "to get my money up" said Anthony (RedRum Eastwood Jordan) I did what all hustlers do I "hit the block". RedRum later ended up in a lot of trouble with the law and local street gangs on the streets. At age 15 a boy was quickly becoming a man late nights and early mornings was the motto he lived by. Then in 2001 RedRum like most young men that choose that path he got incarcerated for 3 yrs. 2004 RedRum was released and immediately went back to recording music and leaving Newport News, Va. Roanoke Virginia was RedRum's new home where he was introduced to local Roanoke artist Poe Mack at Flat Five studios. In Roanoke RedRum formed a new group called Born Crooks (Gwop,Tynitty and RedRum) the group produced two mix-tapes then quickly disassembled. Months later RedRum started his own label, and appeared on the local radio show 5Forty radio where he met manager and friend Young Holliday. Young quickly signed RedRum as his first hip hop artist to Young Holliday Productions. RedRum and Holliday currently released a mix-tape under the label entitled Young Fly and Ambitious RedRum is also working on Going all in the mix-tape under his own label G&G (go & get it). You can follow RedRum Eastwood and his journey to the lime light on Twitter @RedRum_Eastwood or
Bio Blast with YHP/G&G Artist
Redrum Eastwood
Anthony ( RedRum Eastwood ) Jordan was born in Hampton Virginia but spent the majority of his time in Newport News Virginia a.k.a. Bad News, VA. At a young age "we knew Anthony had something special in him" said Anthony's Mother Teresa Jordan. Every time we had family reunions or family functions Anthony was the first one ready to perform. Although Anthony was as talented as he was. He felt the pressure of being the man of the house so he did what a lot of young men do he turned to the streets .At age 11 Anthony was running with the older crowd. While in the streets Anthony decided to start a rap group entitled "Double S" with cousin Darrell Ried (Lil D) and child hood friend Q beats they did tons of shows in the Newport News, VA. By age 13 the group had taken off locally with the addition of three new members.
Photo by Jared Soares
"Born crooks till I die"-RedRum Eastwood