TAL May:June Issue The Atlanta Lawyer May/June issue | Page 7

President ' s Message : Embracing the Power of " Yes "

Association and our City . As we embark on this new bar year together , I want to share a simple yet powerful vision for what I hope will become a central tenant for us all coming year : the transformative power of saying " yes ".


EMILY C . WARD Continuum Legal Group LLP eward @ continuumlg . com
have struggled for weeks trying to figure out what message I wanted to share in this first Atlanta Lawyer , and before anything else , perhaps the most important thing I want to say is “ Thank You .” Thank you for entrusting me with this responsibility , for believing in me as I found my place in this community , and for encouraging me to grow as a lawyer , a leader , a person , and a friend .
It is with immense gratitude and excitement that I step into this role . I am eager to build upon the rich legacy of those who came before me and to help chart a course toward a more vibrant and connected future for our
As a kid , my mom did an amazing job of keeping me so busy with school , band , orchestra , sports , and theater that I simply didn ’ t have time to get into trouble and was used to always saying yes to every request , favor , and opportunity . By the time I got to college , I quickly learned that there was always too much to do ; too many tasks , clubs , associations , and commitments – and learning to say no was critical to my survival . That nearly overwhelming busyness stayed true throughout law school and my first decade of career – and I know is a familiar feeling for nearly everyone in the legal profession . Saying no is one way we each are able to find a moment to actually get work done for our clients , spend time with our families , or find those far too illusive moments just to ourselves . However , I think the pendulum has swung a bit too far and we ’ ve forgotten the possibilities that can happen when we say “ yes .”
Admittedly , the past few years have made it easier than ever to continue saying no . I know I often automatically say no when someone asks me to serve on another committee , to write an article , to go to an event , or any one of the thousand other relatively small asks , simply because I know I ’ m already busy . I am especially guilty of saying no to an in-person meeting and using the Zoom option so I can avoid Atlanta traffic and stay with my excellent WFH co-workers , my dogs Forrest and Frank . While some of my default “ no ” reaction is reasonable self-preservation , I know that I am only able to accept the role of President because of the times I slipped up , said yes , and showed up - and more importantly countless times when other people said yes and were there for me .
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