TAL August:September 2024 Issue Volume 23 No. 2 | Page 9

wouldn ’ t even notice if I showed up or not , right ? Thankfully , I elected to go to the event , but decided I wouldn ’ t make myself feel bad if I only stayed for 30 minutes . I ’ m so glad I did because within those 30 minutes , I ran into an old law school buddy who I had not talked with in more than a decade . That 2-minute conversation has turned into so many connections and opportunities for me , the Bar , and my community .
My law school friend and I are now working on a collaborative project aimed at increasing the civic involvement of lawyers in elections . Because of that project , I ’ ve had introductions , conversations , and meetings with the State Bar President , the State Bar CLE Director , the Fulton County Elections Director , my city councilman , an influential neighborhood association president , and sister Bar leaders , each of whom was eager to connect with the Atlanta Bar on this project and excited lawyers were working together to promote civic involvement in a way that could help our community . Talk about a butterfly effect ! Whether or not we are ultimately successful in the original project , I have no doubt the connections made in its pursuit will make it easier for each of the people I ’ ve worked with to reach out the next time they have an idea , need an introduction , or want to include the Atlanta Bar . Additionally , I ’ m sure there is an intangible positive effect on our community leaders in knowing so many lawyers are dedicated to our civic responsibilities and want to help the city and communities we serve .
Showing Up for Our Profession and Each Other
When you show up for a CLE , section meeting , or networking , your presence matters . Your attendance shows that you are actively involved and invested in the cause , mission , and people around you . No one wants to go to the trouble of putting together an event only for no one to show up . So , when you do show up , you provide moral support to the individuals and teams involved and can boost their morale and encourage them to continue their efforts . Your presence can also have future positive effects - the comment you made or the question you asked might inspire the topic of an upcoming CLE , or maybe the friend you brought to the event with you will collaborate on events in the future .
Beyond the professional benefits , showing up also offers personal satisfaction and fulfillment . We are inherently social beings who thrive on connection ; it ’ s simply good for us to have the opportunity to connect , laugh , share , commiserate , and sometimes just relax ! These connections don ’ t just enrich us with a sense of purpose , community , and belonging ; a supportive community and working towards shared objectives can add a layer of personal satisfaction that goes beyond everyday transactions in our lives .
Prioritize Your Presence
In our fast-paced world of non-stop emails , deadlines , and constant pressure , it can be easy to let our busy schedules and the convenience of remote work overshadow the importance of showing up in person . As we continue into the busy Bar year , I encourage each of you to embrace the power of your presence in your professional and personal lives and accept the challenge of prioritizing your presence for one hour each week this Bar year . Grow your professional network and connections by attending one section meeting , one networking event , one CLE , or one Bar community event . Recharge your social battery by taking a friend , colleague , neighbor , or even your opposing counsel out for coffee , lunch , or just for a walk . Show your family you care by making time for that activity you have been putting off with your partner . However you choose to prioritize your presence , I know it will enrich and improve the Bar , our profession , and our community for years to come .
Thank you for your continued support and trust . I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to working with each of you to make this year our most connected and impactful yet .
With sincere appreciation ,
Emily C . Ward President , Atlanta Bar Association
Networking , a cornerstone of our profession and professional success , is also greatly enhanced by in-person events and can be another way to serve our community . Your presence at Bar events doesn ’ t just provide you with the opportunity to meet colleagues , potential clients , and influential figures within our field ; your presence and insight may be just what a fellow lawyer needs in that moment to tackle a tough legal issue or get connected with the right expert for their case . These interactions are invaluable in building the meaningful relationships and connections our profession is based upon . They can lead to collaborative projects , referrals , and a supportive network that bolsters your career and personal growth . www . atlantabar . org THE ATLANTA LAWYER 5