IN THE PROFESSION still serving lawyers in this decade ? The next decade ? Does it anticipate the changes coming with artificial intelligence ? And does it reflect changes to the bar and changes in law practice ? “ If law schools need to emphasize different skills , let ’ s be ahead of the curve ,” said Freer .
In addition to seeking insights from law offices and general counsels about what skills they are looking for in young lawyers , Freer is engaging at the student level to learn where they want to take their skills .
Freer is “ one of the most student-focused faculty members ,” said Olivia Davis 2L . “ His leadership style is about serving the student population and ensuring everyone has a seat at the table and adequate representation ,” said Davis .
A student feels ownership over his or her path when advised well and matched with a mentor whose career can illuminate the path forward . Emory Law has a huge pool of alumni willing to mentor law students ; in fact , mentoring is one of the primary ways that alumni stay engaged . But what positive change might come if law students themselves took a more active role as mentors ? This is something Freer is committed .
Alumni engagement
I could not be prouder of our alumni ; we need their continued engagement .
“ We do mentorship well at a lot of levels ,” said the incoming dean . “ I want us to get this pulled together in a more coordinated way . I think of it as a pipeline .” All first years will get a mentor from among the second- and third-year law students who know the ropes . “ Because of our selfless alumni , any student who wants an alumni mentor can have one . There ’ s so much activity here ,” he said . “ From your first day of law school and well into your career , you ’ ll have a mentor , and then you will become one .”
He envisions a pipeline that makes mentors of first years , too . Freer plans to host open houses for undergraduates from Emory and other local colleges . “ We want to tell them about law school , and first years will mentor undergraduates in this process ,” explained Freer . “ As a 1L , you have information that ’ s valuable to these undergraduates .” Furthermore , playing a mentoring role gets people involved . “ Maybe some of these undergraduates will come to Emory Law , but either way , they will learn about the law school experience from Emory students and professors .”
“ His commitment to this community runs deep , and the future is bright for Emory Law under his leadership as dean .”
For alumni who have fallen out of the pipeline , Freer insists that they are still making valuable contributions to the school . “ By being a consummate professional — a sophisticated , principled lawyer — you are reflecting glory on us ,” he said . That is giving back .
A second term ?
His five-year plan is mapped out , but there is enough work to fill a decade — or more .
“ My friends ask me why I haven ’ t retired ,” laughed Freer . “ But I am having too much fun to leave . God willing , I have five years in this term . I ’ ll do the best I can . I want to build collaboratively , work strategically , and put the school in a position to move higher and higher .” He recognizes retirement as an eventual theoretical possibility . “ Tennis , writing , piano , travel are all great , but we have work to do . There ’ s time to think about later , later .”
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Emily Baker 98C 01L , a partner at Jones Day , has stayed connected to Emory and is counted among the highly engaged alumni . “ It ’ s hard to imagine anyone who has inspired more Emory lawyers or knows what Emory Law has to offer better than Professor Freer ,” said Baker .