Taking The Lead issue 2 | Page 13

Lorem ipsum dolor

Aliquam varius adipiscing tempor. Vivamus id ipsum sit amet massa con-sectetur porta. Class aptent taciti soci-osqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Prae-sent dignissim ultrices neque. Aliquam auctor congue nunc sed interdum. Aen-

Vivamus id ipsum

Aliquam varius adipiscing tempor. Vivamus id ipsum sit amet massa con-sectetur porta. Class aptent taciti soci-osqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Prae-sent dignissim ultrices neque. Aliquam auctor congue nunc sed interdum. Aen-

The day ended with an Award Ceremony. Whilst John Spence got a special mention for the work we do around sports leadership and volunteering unfortunately we didn't win the national award.

After the ceremony ended we then went to get our photograph taken alongside the legendary statue of Bobby Moore.

We then walked down Wembley Way to the tube station and within seconds the train arrived. We jumped on alongside Tim Baillie the Team GB Gold medallist in Slalom Canoeing. We then arrived in Kings Cross bought a McDonald's and jumped back on the East Coast train back to Newcastle.

Overall it was a fantastic day that none of us will ever forget.

Sean Mulligan

Sports Leaders head to London for a day to remember