Looking back with ... Bob Pate ’ 50
The 1950 Tripod describes him as “ Liked by everyone … always ready for a laugh .” Postscripts spoke with Bob to learn more about his early years .
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From delivering milk as a youth to running the family business , Dennett Craig and Pate , Bob Pate has been a fixture in Saco for decades .
What was your first job ?
“ During the war , I got a job at 9 or 10 delivering milk – they couldn ’ t find anyone older . I delivered milk for Everett Ladd ( TA Class of 1927 ) for 8 years . I ’ d ride in a pick-up truck on the running board . I got up at 5 am and we delivered a truckload of milk , then I went to school . We delivered all over Saco .”
The 1950 yearbook said you liked driving around . Where did you go ?
“ I did love riding around . I had an old Pontiac . It was beat up and put together again . We didn ’ t have many cars on the road at that point in the 40s . I took a bunch of friends into Portland several times on Sunday nights to get some Amato ' s Italian sandwiches on India Street . They were great .”
TA students traveled annually to the nation ’ s capital each year . What was that like ?
“ The Washington trip was quite a nice experience . We learned a lot and were very , very busy . I remember one afternoon where there was nothing going on and I think everybody just collapsed . The Lincoln Memorial was probably one of the better ones ( stops on the trip ), and the Library of Congress – on my gosh , the Library was huge . For a guy from Maine , it was something .”
You and your wife , Clara ( Litwinowich ’ 52 ) dated in high school .
My mother and her mother worked in the Pepperell Manufacturing on the same schedule . She was 2 years behind me and worked on the Pier in Old Orchard selling candy . We will be married 72 years in August . Our three sons went to Thornton . David ’ 76 , just retired as a professor . He had been teaching Economics at St . John Fisher , in New York . Steven ’ 85 has an office in Portland , selling stock and bonds . Jimmy ’ 82 took over the business from me .