ever made . It has been so much fun to share my love of chemistry with my students and to interact with them on a daily basis . On top of that , the Science Department is a group of the smartest , funniest , kindest , and most caring people I have ever known . I have had the good fortune of working alongside them , and the rest of the incredible staff at TA , every day . I am truly going to miss my everyday connection to TA , but I will always be a Trojan !” Teri ’ s husband , David ( pictured with her ), is also retiring as a TA teacher after 16 years . The two plan to spend more time with family and friends , and travel , including a trip to Iceland !
Michael Davis ' 79 writes , “ I ' m still working as of now , but thinking about retiring soon . Working for Lake County Schools in Tavares , Florida . Still married and have four grandchildren .”
Steven Boucouvalas ' 81 reports that after 40 years of combined service to the City of Saco and York County , serving in various capacities as a Police Cadet , Firefighter , Fire Department Lieutenant , Fire Police Coordinator , Public Safety Communicator , and Emergency Management Director , he joined the Maine CDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program as a Senior Planner and Emergency Operations Chief . He has been involved in the COVID-19 response since its infancy : “ This has been a wonderful learning experience and opportunity to provide assistance to a diverse population from across Maine and to work beside Federal , State , County , and Municipal Government leaders and responders to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic . Highlights include overseeing strike teams of Maine Army and Air National Guard Troops who provided support during the COVID-19 response .” When not working , he enjoys spending time with his wife , Michelle , children , and three grandchildren . Pictured : Steve ( left ) and Dr . Nirav Shah , former Director of the Maine CDC .
Eric Purvis ‘ 81 - President Angela Bolduc Vangel Cotsis ‘ 85 Dr . Brian Dallaire ‘ 75 Philip Fearon ‘ 70 Bernard Gaines ‘ 65 Robert Gowen Nathan Howell Joel J . Levesque ‘ 85 Roger Miles ‘ 65 Timothy Murphy ‘ 78 Margaret O ' Neil ‘ 72 Kirk Purvis ‘ 93 Dr . Paul Remmes Mark Willett ‘ 65
David Pendleton ‘ 81 - President Amy Levasseur DesRoberts ‘ 97 Roberta Sargent Gallant ‘ 62 Erin Fitzgerald Laflin ‘ 06 James Lowe ‘ 92 Mac Lowe ‘ 23 - student rep Haley Nason Magnell ‘ 10 Paula Cote Scully ‘ 89 Mia Taranko ‘ 20 Scott Sicard ‘ 88 Douglas Willett ‘ 92
Joel J . Levesque ‘ 85 - Chair Matt Cook ‘ 91 Vangel Cotsis ‘ 85 Dr . Brian K . Dallaire ‘ 75 Joshua Fearon ‘ 98 Bernard Gaines ‘ 65 Eric A . Purvis ‘ 81 Kirk Purvis ‘ 93 Gregory Ruff ‘ 16 Clint Williams