T-Life May. 2014 | Page 3


Hello! So, first of all, I want to thank you for buying this magazine. You won´t regret it! So, what is this magazine about? Well, like the name says (T-LIFE is for Teen-Life) this magazine is written by teens for teens. We hope this will help you understand a lot of your emotional and physical changes that we know (trust me, we DO know) you are having during this stage of your life. So, I always get super upset when people say: "I understand, I was a teenager once too". It´s like, no you don´t understand. But we, the people that made this magazine, do understand. Because we are going through these changes ourselves. We know how sometimes you just want to cry. Or how sometimes you wonder if happiness really exists. Or why can´t you enter a certain group. Here we will explain you how does adolescence work, what is personality and how does it form, what are groups (and by their dangers, yeah, I mean their influence, I hope I don´t sound like your parents when they say: "Stay away from that boy! He´s a bad influence"), what is the family (and how necessary it actually is), and how to achieve happiness and freedom (which, by the way, requires responsability). So, we hope you enjoy it!

Mónica Daniela García Aguilar