T-Life May. 2014 | Page 2



The Perks of Adolescence by Bryan Vilchis (A01282149) .............................................................4

A good or a bad influence? by Daniela García (A01281919) ............................................................10

Ups and downs of a Family by Carlos Pérez (A01282288)............................................................15

Me and my unique Personality by José Avila (A01282058) ..........................................................20

What Freedom and Happiness really mean by Paulina Hernández (A01282118)....................... 24

Being Assertive and other fancy words by Sergio Antonio Valdés (A01281876)................ 26

Ross Capicchioni, our role model.....................30

Bibliography.......................................................... 33

Enterteinment Section........................................ 35

Nice Quotes............................................................41



Daniela: Front page, editorial, general design.

Carlos: Index, “Ross…our role model”, enterteinment section, general design.

José: Front page, enterteinment section.

Sergio: Advertisements, enterteinment section.

Paulina: Quotes, game section, back cover.

Bryan: Quotes, game section, back cover.