In today's digital age, everything else is moving at the speed of light...why not the paper? Property oprations are awash in a paper storm. With DocumenIT by SyndicIT the universal digital document soltuion for both electronic and paper documents is ready.
At first glance, you might think this story is about technology, it is not. It is really about property management. More specifically, it is about gaining a significant advantage in operational performance, compliance, and operational integrity.
Achieving breakthrough business process improvement with a comprehensive system for digital document capture, management, communications, and retrieval is now a reality for the multihousing industry. The advantages are striking:
1. Real time property audits at any time, from any where
2. Increase the time property staff has to address the real objective of selling new leases, renewing current leases, buidling resident satisfaction, and managing mroe effecively.
3. Ensure compliance with policies, best practices, and legal regulations.
4. Assemble asset and property documentation with one-touch.
5. Provide third parties such as auditors, owners, lenders, and legal counsel with immediate access without the expense of copying and shipping documents.
6. Reduce the risk of property turnover by knowing that all documents are secure and up to date.
7. Eliminate the risk of lost documetns or illegal access to paper documents on-site while eliminating the paper storage costs as well
8. Create a postive, tech-savvy, envrionmentally-sensitive resident response by going paperless in all transaction.
With DocumenIT, you will gain immediate and instant control, lower operating costs, and increase the effectivness of your entire organization.
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