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What has been your greatest benefit through HOSA?
HOSA has given me so many benefits, it's hard to say what the greatest is. On a personal level, I would say that HOSA has given me confidence. Not only have my public speaking skills improved, I am also more confident when applying to new opportunities. On a professional level, HOSA has allowed me to better understand what I want out of a career, and also shown me how to achieve my goals.
What HOSA experience has left the strongest impression on you?
ILC in Nashville left a very strong impression on me. The sheer number of members present and how much energy every single one had for HOSA really was a mind boggling experience. That conference made me feel like a part of something, and I met so many new people and had so many new experiences while there.
Was the process of getting to the Public Health Seminar difficult?
Not at all! The application is handled through StemPremier, and most of the application is your StemPremier profile. You need two letters of recommendation, a resume, and a cover letter in addition to filling out your profile. I was also fortunate enough to be given a scholarship to help fund the trip.
What was something you learned after visiting the Surgeon General?
Meeting the Acting Surgeon General, Rear Admiral (RADM) Sylvia Trent-Adams was an experience I will never forget and will never stop being amazed by. RADM Trent-Adams is an extremely inspiring and intelligent woman. Of all the stories she told us, I think the best pieces of advice came when she told us two things: we can still be successful if we get B's, and also that if you let everyone else's opinions get in your head, those voices will close new doors for you.
What are you career goals?
My career goals are actually a little mixed at the moment. I want to be a neonatologist, but after attending the Public Health Leadership Scholars program. I am starting to consider veterinary school as an option as well.
What was your position(s) during your term as a state officer and what were your responsibilities?
I was the 2016-2017 Region Three Vice President. My responsibilities included chapter visits, attending HOSA conferences, working on monthly assignments, and serving the members of Arizona HOSA as best as I could.