SWW Info Pack 2019 | Page 9

costs of membership All applications for full membership (MSWW) are subject to a £50 application fee payable before the application is processed. £50 one-off payment All full members of the Society (MSWW and above) pay into the Public Indemnity Fund when they join. This fund exists to protect you and your clients should you be unable to complete outstanding work due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances. £25 one-off payment For full membership (MSWW and above) the cost is £325 per year. This can be paid by annual or monthly direct debit (£27.08 per month). When applying, a completed direct debit mandate should be submitted with your application form. £325 per year For affiliate membership (Aff.SWW) the cost is £85 per year. This must be paid in full each year by annual direct debit. When applying, a completed direct debit mandate should be submitted with your application form. £85 per year All applications will initially be based on Full Member grade (MSWW) and applicants should support an application for a higher grade with as much supporting documentation and information with regard to relevant qualifications and experience as possible. Notification of the membership boards decision that requirements have been met and the grade awarded will be forwarded to the applicant within two weeks along with a welcome pack and membership ID card.