SWW Info Pack 2019 | Page 8

writer membership grades Affiliate Member (Aff.SWW) - As an affiliate you will be employed by a full member of the Society and will be regulated and insured by that member. You cannot be an affiliate in your own right but you may upgrade to become a full member. Full Member (MSWW) - All applications for full membership will be based upon this grade. Applications should be supported by additional information such as education, etc. where necessary. Associate Member (ASWW) - Associate membership is an upgraded level of full membership. Applicants who have successfully completed a recognised training course may apply for associate membership right away. Fellow Member (FSWW) - The grade of Fellow will be appointed at the discretion of the membership board and cannot be applied for until you have surpassed 6 months of membership. Applications to this grade will in all cases be subject to the applicant meeting one or more of the following criteria: i) Successfully completed the SWWEPP Wills & Estate Planning Certificate course ii) Successfully completed a fully recognised legal course (LL.B) and have studied Succession as a core module iii) Attained sufficient CPD through ongoing training iv) Passed an examination to demonstrate their ability v) Self-certification Companion member (Cmpn.SWW) - A Companion is the highest grade available to members. You cannot apply for this membership grade as it comes from a long and distinguished service to the profession. The decision is made by the board of directors. Full Member Affiliate Member MSWW Aff.SWW Instruction taker and Drafter Apply for Apply for after 6 months Invited Invited 5 • • • Affiliate Full ASWW Associate FSWW Fellow Cmpn.SWW Companion Hon.SWW Starting Grade Instruction Taker/ Consultant All application forms are attached to this pack! Honourary The required £50 application fee and £25 Public Indemnity Fund fee must be paid before your application is processed Your application will go before the board for approval and can take up to 14 days to process You must have provided sufficient proof of proficiency or you may be asked to sit the Society Entrance Exam to be accepted