Ensuring protection for the
Society of Will Writers Wills and
future probate income!
Since October 2017 Certainty
the National Will Register® and
The Society of Will Writers and
Estate Planning Practitioners
have been working together
to provide SWW members the
facility to register their Wills
with the National Will Register.
The National Will Archives
(NWA) is the storage facility
available to SWW members.
All Wills stored within this
facility are also registered with
Certainty the National Will
There are over 7.7 million
Wills within the registration
system with the figure rising
daily. In addition, thousands
of Certainty Will Searches are
conducted every month by next
of kin and probate professionals
checking that no Will exists or
checking the validity of the Will
held. Every day, Will writing
businesses both large and small
register their Wills with the
National Will Register; this is
not only to protect their client’s
beneficiaries but their future
probate income.
In the last year, there have been
many found Wills thought to
be missing or not to exist that
were a direct result from Society
of Will Writers members Wills
being registered on the National
Will Register. At the time of
writing, it is understood three of
these found Wills were drafted
by retired or closed down Will
writers who chose to securely
store their clients’ Wills with the
National Will Archives. Without
the safe storage of these Wills,
coupled with Will registration,
the Wills that were found may
have been impossible to locate;
resulting in the estates being
distributed incorrectly and the
testator’s wishes not being
adhered to.