SwitchOn! issue 1.3 | Page 65

Global Green Kids Global Green Kids is an international project Join in! Speak up for Nature and Environment! of Radijojo World Children’s Media Network. It Share your self-created videos, podcasts, draw- is dedicated to sustainability, the environment, ings, poems, stories, reports about animals and nature and fair globalization. The project is sup- plants, about your actions for the planet. Be part ported by German Federal Foundation for the of our worldwide movement, united with kids Environment (DBU) and the Development De- from Hawaii to Zambia, from Germany to India! partment of the city of Berlin (LEZ). Visit www.radijojo.de/globalgreenkids ‘Los Sueños de Gaia – The Dreams of Gaia’ The Dreams of Gaia project is connecting children from eleven countries to promote peace and to encourage people to protect their nearest natural environment. Kids from Argentina, Peru, Guatemala, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Bolivia, Spain, Morocco, Serbia and Germany are planting trees, working with recycled materials and coming up with ideas to save energy in their schools. Also Global Green Kids from Albert Gutzmann primary in Berlin joined Dreams of Gaia. All activities can be watched at Gaia TV channel! Watch and listen! Global Green Kids latest actions are making a difference aroung the world... and so can you! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbvIJjPnXAjzQ9JdWENJbPw SwitchOn 65