SwitchOn! issue 1.3 | Page 5

Dr Kishan Kariippanon: SwitchOn! Magazine is produced to engage young people from a variety of interests and cultural background, through content that is both educational and entertaining. The opportunity that SwitchOn magazine brings to Yolngu young people from Arnhem Land, is to enable them to share their ancient traditional culture with the world through the ‘Caring for Country’ feature. Yolngu young people are proud to showcase their cultural knowledge on a platform that is culturally appropriate.  SwitchOn Magazine is a also a practical way to bring youth and wellness to the core of our engagement young people.  Kate Kent Evans, Director, KIOSC Discovery Centre, Swinburne University SwitchOn! Magazine is a fantastic new resource for young people and everyone who works with them: full of interesting, thought-provoking articles and information to help understand our relationship with the world we live in and inspire a positive sense of the future. I highly recommend it for teachers and students alike. Reader’s comment: I love reading SwitchOn with my kids; it is such an incredible resource for school students while also being topical about the big issues of the day that affect us all. As a Mum, I am really impressed that such a rich resource is suitable for all ages, especially kids, to read - with appropriate, educational and interesting articles - and a great social conscience. Virginia Reader’s comment: SwitchOn Magazine is a fantastic publication for young people. I am amazed at how diverse this magazine is and I highly recommend it to people of all ages and all walks of life. Sarah, 15 What’s New? SwitchOn! Magazine is honouring educational institu- Institutio Excellentia In each future issue of SwitchOn! Magazine we tions & programs around will feature schools and the world with the Institutio educational programs from Excellentia Award for out- around the world that standing initiatives that ex- meet the Institutio Ex- tend way beyond the usual cellentia academic arena. In this ina- creating ‘formations of ex- gural feature we explore the cellence’ with initiatives sustainable initatives of four that contibute to creating schools: Bentleigh Secondary equitable and sustainable College (left), Carey Baptsist societies. If you would like Grammar School and The to recommend a school or Patch Primary School in Aus- program please email the tralia and The Food School editor. in USA. [email protected] benchmark of