Currently, Amorino’s aim is to grow.
The brand’s objective when the first store was
opened was to provide the best ice creams in
the most natural way as possible. Amorino has
had considerable success, which led it to open
stores in prestigious places all over the world.
Thanks to this success, today the brand is
opening new stores, allowing it to keep growing. In Portugal, besides having shops in Lisbon
and Algarve, Amorino opened another one in
Current Strategies
Amorino’s product line consists of 26
different flavors. Although one might argue
that it is not a vast range, these are constantly
available throughout the year. Given that the
company is originally from Paris and it has expanded worldwide, the fruits are supplied at a
global level with no emCreated by two child
phasis on Portuguese
ingredients. For inSereni and Paolo Bena
stance, the mango supplier is from Maharash- was born in 2002. The p
tra region and Goa,
these being two loca- revealed by their funda
tions at which mangos
quality, cultivate pers
are known for their good
quality. With this in
mind, Amorino focuses
taste, creating flavo
on the quality of ingredients used in its ice
creams rather than the
specific location in which
the shop is inserted. Besides the fruit flavors,
Amorino has traditional
French and Italian recipe flavors, as it is the
case for the “Caramello al burro salato” and
the “L’Inimitabile”.
Amorino produces not only ice cream.
The ice cream shop also supplies hot gourmet