1. Who Buys and Uses the Products
with small children. For individual and older
Buyers versus Users
ice cream buyers, no such classification is feaCustomers are differentiated according sible.
to their role in a purchasing process. The Initiator realizes the need for a certain product. Descriptive Variables: Consumer Products
The Influencer provides information for makFocusing on general characteristics makes
ing the purchasing decision. The Decider ulti- it easier to arrive at proper customer segmenmately decides on buying the product, where- tations. Important characteristics to mention
as the Purchaser then buys the prodare demographics, socioeconomic facuct. The last customer category
tors, personality and psychoconsists of product Users.
“Most of the time,
graphics and values. However,
Ice cream is purice cream is a product open for
children are the
chased primarily by the
consumption to anyone.
ones becoming
younger generation. Hence,
aware of the need
the mean age of participants
2. What Customers Buy and
How They Use It
in our online survey is twentyBenefits
four. Further, out of 163 partici“The firm produces features, but cuspants, only 14 per cent accounted
for employees. Most of the time, children are tomers purchase benefits.” Evidently, the benthe ones becoming aware of the need for ice efit of eating ice cream is to have a special
cream. In this case, parents are Influencers, taste experience and to satisfy cravings for
Deciders, and Purchasers at the same time, something sweet. Beyond these, Amorino
being responsible for the “budget authoriza- offers the benefit of the flower design, enation” and providing information about the bling customers to post photos on social netpurchasing decision. The primary Users in the working sites; Santini provides customers with
end are again children. However, this catego- the benefit of having learned more about Porrization of customers is only valid for families tuguese traditions.