Contrary to Amorino ice
cream, Santini ice cream can
be ordered and transferred to
customer’s homes, provided
they live within the reach of
transportation means.
flavor icons are poorly arranged, making it difficult for
the customer to switch
through the different flavors.
Lastly, the website is lacking
information about the brand
and its origins.
Nothing can be said to
Nannarella performance on
homepages, since the company does not have a proper
homepage yet. The store depends on satisfied consumers
spreading good feedback to
attract new customers.
Artisani offers the
same transportation service to
its customers on its homepage, representing an advantage compared to Amorino. Nevertheless, Artisani’s
homepage is not as well designed due to the following
reasons. To begin with, the
homepage is wholly in Portuguese, thus, foreign customRegarding social media
ers are not able to understand presence, all brands are well
its content. Further, ice cream represented on Facebook, In-
stagram, and various Internet
blogs. However, most Amorino customers post photos of
the ice cream flower on various networking pages, increasing customer brand
recognition and brand recall
rates globally.
In summary, with regard to
Amorino’s well-constructed
homepage and social media
presence, the brand has a
differential advantage in digital appearance.