Sweet Lisbon 1 | Page 32

Ice Cream presentation can be noticed here. This is why the two ice cream brands are placed on the traditional part of the experience x-axis, including Nannarella. All three of them offer ice cream as it is served in the majority of ice cream parlors all over the world. The only competitor exceeding average customer expectations in this category is Amorino. When entering the store and deciding for an ice cream, the consumer enters an adventure. There are no restrictions regarding flavor variety, since one “can take as many flavors as desired” to go with a cup or a cone. The idea of serving ice cream with a flower design far outcompetes the other brand’s ideas of offering ice cream. Customers go to Amorino not only for the ice cream but rather for the flower, to take a photo, and post it on Instagram or Facebook. Presentation Concerning ice cream presentation, Nannarella serves ice cream Italian style without using a scoop, but a spatula. Furthermore, one is free to add extra whipped cream on top of the ice cream. The large ice cream is served in a chocolate cone, which is also special compared to the other ice cream stores’ servings. At Santini and Artisani, ice cream is supplied via scoop. No special ice cream