Santini one of the best ice creams in Portugal.
Concerning Nannarella, 45 out of 50
customers went to Nannarella for the valuable
Italian-style ice cream that is served there.
Only 5 out of 50 went there with no clear purpose. Nannarella, thus, relies mainly on its
high-quality reputation. Since the ice cream
parlor is really small,
there is nothing more
Nannarella could potentially offer to the customer. It sees to it that it excels in serving one product.
Last but not least, the
majority of Artisani customers went to Artisani
to taste the excellent ice
cream. Similar to Santini,
Artisani is an ice cream
brand well known to Portuguese people. Portuguese families visit the
store repeatedly. Artisani’s focus is more on ice
cream quality and less on
ice cream presentation.
We can conclude that Artisani, Santini, and Nannarella are relying on a
high quality reputation. However, Santini is
better in promoting this reputation. In the customer survey in front of the stores, Santini
customers referred to Santini ice cream as
“the best”, or at least “one of the best”. When
asked about their objectives to go to Artisani
or Nannarella, customers rather stated that
they wanted to get a taste of a very good ice
cream. Only a few mentioned that Nannarella
or Artisani ice cream is “the best” or “one of
the best” in Portugal. Therefore, Santini has a
small differential advantage when it comes to
the taste of the product.
Turning to the second sub-category for
flavor, namely the quantity of flavors, Santini
is the clear leader of the market, serving approximately 68 flavors – of which not all are
available throughout the year, due to seasonality. However, Amorino is doing a better job
in marketing its flavors. When visiting the
Website and searching through the flavors
served, one can easily get information about
origins of ingredients and tastes of the product.
Nannarella is quite different in its product offering. The flavor choice is restricted due
to two reasons: firstly, the parlor space is so
little that it is impossible to store more than
eighteen flavors of ice cream; and secondly,
the owner of the store sees to it that the image of the “little corner shop” is retained. All
ice cream is produced on the spot. When entering the parlor, one can even see the production site behind the cash desk. Every two
hours the cream is prepared in the mixer according to tradition. Furthermore, Nannarella
experiments a lot. The ice cream offering is
changed on a daily basis; there are always
some new flavors added to the specialty
menu. This makes Nannarella different from
the bigger stores, such as Amorino and Santini.
Amorino is a global franchise system,
hence, the ice cream is not produced locally,