Swamirara Top 25 Thousand Year Old Temples in India - Google | Page 17

    Dedicated   to   Lord   Vishnu,   this   is   one   of   the   108   Divya   Desams.   Located   in   Tiruchirapalli,   this   temple   was   constructed   between   6th   and   9th   centuries.   Spread   across   an   area   of   156   acres,   this   is   considered   as   the   largest   functioning   Hindu   temple   in   the   World.   This   temple   is   one   of   the   most   illustrious   temples   in   Southern   part   of   India   rich   in   history   and   legend.     17.   Meenakshi   Amman   Temple          This   temple   is   known   popularly   as   the   Madurai   Meenakshi   Temple.   Believed   to   have   been   constructed   in   6th   Century   B.C,   this   temple   is   dedicated   to   goddess   Parvati.   Since   then,   this   temple   has   been   reconstructed   various   times   with   the   latest   one   built   in   16th   Century   A.D.   Lord   Shiva   here   is   named   as   Sundareswarar.    18.   Mundeshwari   Temple    Visit   :  h   ttps://www.swamirara.com/