Swamirara Top 25 Thousand Year Old Temples in India - Google | Page 16

    Regarded   as   one   of   the   108   Divya   Desams   of   Lord   Vishnu,   the   Dwarakadhish   Temple   is   considered   as   one   of   the   most   sacred   temples   of   Char   Dhams.   The   archaeological   evidences   state   that   this   temple   is   about   2500   years   old.   This   temple   is   also   known   as   Jagat   Mandir.   This   is   a   Pushtimarg   temple.   So,   it   follows   the   rituals   and   guidelines   created   by   Shree   Vitheleshnathji   and   Shree   Vallabhacharya.     16.   Sriranganatha   Swamy   Temple    Visit   :  h   ttps://www.swamirara.com/